About this Project
CI provided, fabricated, and installed approximately 4,290 square feet of Tubelite T14000, 2” x 4-1/2” aluminum storefront framing, thermally broken, center set glazing. Additionally, the nine pairs of wide stile aluminum doors with 10” bottom rails and specified hardware, and approximately 2,755 square feet of Tubelite T24650, 2” x 6-1/2” aluminum storefront framing, thermally broken, center set glazing. Furthermore, we provided the four single and two pairs of wide stile aluminum doors with 10” bottom rails and specified hardware.
Aluminum finishes were class I dark bronze anodized. Three 40” x 42” ticket windows, C.R. Laurence S1VES, Level 3 BR glass, speak-thru and deal tray. Exterior vision glass will be 1” clear Solarban 60 (#2) insulated glass, or equal. Units were AN/AN or TE/TE as required by code. Spandrel units were 1” clear Solarban 60 (#2) insulated glass with white Opacicoat (#4).